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Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Basketball is a good way to lower your body fat

The calorie deficit, burning more calories than you eat, is how people with no underlying health conditions lose weight. Basketball is an activity that has a high calorie burn, which can contribute to the calorie deficit. Playing basketball while following an adequate, balanced diet is one approach to losing body fat.

Energy Required for Basketball

Basketball involves a fair amount of running, quick start-and-stop movements and coordination. Basketball burns 0.097 calories per pound per minute, according to the book “Nutrition Concepts and Controversies.” A 160-pound man playing vigorous full-court basketball for one hour burns approximately 930 calories. The same man would only burn 730 calories cycling at 19 miles per hour or 710 calories running 6 miles per hour. Basketball is a good choice for losing weight because it has a high calorie burn when compared with other activities.

Maximizing Body Fat Loss With Basketball

No specific moves in basketball will increase weight loss. The weight loss benefit from basketball comes from the cardiovascular activity of running the court. To get the best calorie burn, play full-court basketball and stay active during the game. Do not spend too much time playing at less than full effort or resting. After the game, do some full-court transition drills that include running the length of the court to transition from offense to defense. These drills will improve basketball skills and burn additional calories.

Losing Body Fat Versus Body Weight

Losing body weight at a healthy rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week requires a calorie deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories per day. Faster weight loss may result in a loss of lean muscle or water. Eat enough carbohydrates so that your body can use protein to replenish lean muscle mass. Restricting carbohydrates will force the body to break down muscle mass to use amino acids for fuel. Eating adequate calories – a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats – will encourage fat loss and not just weight loss.

Can Playing Basketball Lower Body Fat?

Yes, playing basketball can lower body fat. If you make no other changes except to add one vigorous hour of basketball every day, you will burn approximately 1,000 calories a day. This should result in a loss of 2 pounds per week. If you consume an adequate amount of calories and carbohydrates, then the loss should come from body fat instead of lean muscle or water.

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