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Thursday, May 10, 2012

4 Foods that Beautify Your Smile

Condition of the teeth and mouth healthy will make your smile beautiful. Beautiful smile can be obtained by diligent brushing your teeth to white teeth, healthy gums and fresh breath. In addition to brushing, you can beautify a smile with some foods.

1. Yogurt

The main causes of bad breath, plaque and gum disease is the buildup of bacteria. Based on the research, eating pure sugar-free yogurt as much as 6 ounces a day can help cripple the bacteria that live between the teeth.

"Yogurt contains good bacteria that help fight bacteria in the mouth," says Christine D. Wu, Ph.D., a professor of child dentistry at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry.

People who eat yogurt four or more times a week tend to be less problematic with cavities. To sweeten the plain yogurt, add a few drops of honey, which also contains compounds that can inhibit the bacteria.

2. Fish

Harvard scientists have examined the relationship of omega-3 fatty acids in fish with gum disease. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation that occurs when the bacteria irritate the gums.

3. Fruit and Vegetables

"Apples, celery, and carrots are rich in fiber can stimulate saliva, which contains an antimicrobial to fight bacteria," said Timothy Chase, a dentist in New York.

Chew on fruits like apples can help to provide massage and improve blood circulation in your gums. Other studies have shown that vitamin C in citrus fruit can help maintain healthy gums.

4. Cheese

Such as milk, cheese is a source of calcium and vitamin D which is an essential nutrient for building strong teeth. There is even evidence that chewing cheese can help neutralize the acid peel tooth enamel, and that means it will restore the natural white teeth.

Today's Quote

Best and Worst Fruit Diet


Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, all packed with antioxidants and vitamins. These fruits are loaded with fiber and has a glycemic index (GI) is generally low around 20's.

Cherry-berry fruit similar in terms of antioxidant value. The fruit has natural sugar content was slightly higher, but very low-carbohydrate and a source of essential fiber. The glycemic index of about 22 cherries.

Fruits are low in sugar and contain a number of important fiber. Apples and pears are a great way to satisfy the desire for sweet taste, with GI 38.

With the same nutritional value as apples and pears, this fruit is a smart way to get a good dose of vitamin C and fiber. Peaches and apricots have a GI of 30.


Dried dates contain the highest sugar content of any fruit. Dates have a glycemic score of 103, higher than that of pure glucose glycemic has 100. When you're on a diet, try replacing the dates with other dried fruits such as dried apricots or raisins which has an 50-glycemic index.

Melon and watermelon fruit contains a very high sugar (GI melon 65 and watermelon 100).

Perhaps not surprising that the pineapple has a score that high blood sugar because it tastes sweet. The glycemic index of pineapple is 66, which is considered moderate stage (medium).

4. Mango and Papaya
Although not as sweet as pineapple, mango and papaya sugar levels are high enough that the glycemic index of 55.

Tricks Lose Weight On The Weekend

On the weekend a lot of people who forget their diets and eating all kinds of food. But in fact there are certain tricks you can do to lose weight during the weekend.

Some people have an extreme diet on weekdays, but forget it on weekends, this course will not get optimal results and it can be dangerous.

Therefore in order to obtain optimal benefits, know the tricks that can be done if you want to keep doing the diet during the weekend

1. Reducing carbohydrates and processed foods
Processed foods known to contain high calories, you should take the time to make their own food and use the protein from chicken, turkey or fish. If you want to consume carbohydrates should be eaten in the morning.

2. Eat at home
Eating food in the restaurant tends to contain high calories and high in carbohydrates, making it more difficult to control how much is consumed. In order to prepare the food before the weekend.

3. keep it moving
The weekend is identical to sleeping late and lounging, while physical activity can help reduce excess carbohydrates and fats. Add to this some resistance exercises that can speed up metabolism and increase the calories burned.

4. Consuming enough water
Water is the best beverage for calorie-free, this water can help control hunger and the desire to snack. To avoid drinking it, coffee, tea or soda for even a diet.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Benefits Of Mineral Water

Mineral water contains dissolved minerals that occur naturally in groundwater, and the water is collected from a spring or pumped from a well. Sparkling mineral water also contains natural gases or is artificially carbonated with carbon dioxide. Countries set standards for a certain amount of minerals required for bottled water to be labeled "mineral water." Many people like to drink sparkling mineral water not only for its taste but for its health benefits.

Drinking sparkling mineral water is a way to obtain minerals without also consuming calories, as noted by the Magnesium Online Library. Sparkling mineral water usually contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and sometimes sodium, the most common minerals in groundwater. Some sparkling mineral water contains chromium, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium or other minerals, all of which are important for health. Mineral water is the best source of minerals in water other than some tap and well water. Some tap water, however, contains fluoride and chlorine, which is a concern for many people. Distilled water has no mineral content, and soft, filtered and many brands of bottled water have very little or no mineral content.

People unable to consume most dairy products because of lactose intolerance can obtain calcium from mineral water. A review of studies published in Osteoporosis International in 2000 determined that absorption of calcium from calcium-rich mineral water appears to be at least comparable to, and possibly better than, that from dairy products.

Drinking sparkling mineral water can reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the so-called "bad" cholesterol, and increase the good high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, according to a study published in 2004 by the Journal of Nutrition. This study focused on a group of postmenopausal women drinking sodium-rich carbonated mineral water.

People generally need about 3 quarts of water a day, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), and more when exercising or on hot days. Many people don't drink enough water and don't care that much for regular water. Sparkling mineral water may provide just the right flavor difference to encourage more water intake.

Inconsistent sleep schedule can be the risk of diabetes

Inconsistent sleep schedule or portion of a lack of sleep can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston monitored 21 healthy adults who were asked to stay in the laboratory during the experiment. For three weeks, participants were scheduled to sleep less than 6 hours per day and sleep late every day. The results showed that participants' ability to regulate blood sugar levels become disturbed so that participants may have developed diabetes if the experiment continued.

"High glucose levels for a long time, even up to the level of pre-diabetes in some participants," wrote the researchers in a study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

New research suggests that hormone levels change with the lack of sleep which may help explain how it links with obesity and weight gain, says Fonseca. In the study, researchers conducted blood tests to measure levels of several hormones, including insulin, cortisol (which is associated with stress), leptin and ghrelin (which is associated with the regulation of appetite). Researchers found that disrupted sleep schedule resulted in 32 per cent reduction in the amount of insulin as a key to blood sugar regulation is issued in the body after eating.

Reduction in insulin levels is one explanation of how the disruption or lack of sleep can lead to diabetes, said Lisa Rafalson, professor of pediatrics and family medicine at the University of Buffalo. "Chronic sleep disturbance is in progress indicate a kind of injury to the body from time to time," said Rafalson. Stress hormones that make the body can eliminate the hormone balance maintained. "Insulin can not do their work efficiently so that you end up with excess glucose remains in the bloodstream," he said. In contrast, the present invention other dubious notion that the increased appetite caused by sleep deprivation could explain the reason for the increased risk of diabetes. Researchers assert that insufficient sleep causes ghrelin levels higher so the appetite hormone leptin levels rise but lower sehingg signals the brain satiety, Rafalson said. But in this new study the researchers did not notice any changes in hormone levels.


Basketball is a good way to lower your body fat

The calorie deficit, burning more calories than you eat, is how people with no underlying health conditions lose weight. Basketball is an activity that has a high calorie burn, which can contribute to the calorie deficit. Playing basketball while following an adequate, balanced diet is one approach to losing body fat.

Energy Required for Basketball

Basketball involves a fair amount of running, quick start-and-stop movements and coordination. Basketball burns 0.097 calories per pound per minute, according to the book “Nutrition Concepts and Controversies.” A 160-pound man playing vigorous full-court basketball for one hour burns approximately 930 calories. The same man would only burn 730 calories cycling at 19 miles per hour or 710 calories running 6 miles per hour. Basketball is a good choice for losing weight because it has a high calorie burn when compared with other activities.

Maximizing Body Fat Loss With Basketball

No specific moves in basketball will increase weight loss. The weight loss benefit from basketball comes from the cardiovascular activity of running the court. To get the best calorie burn, play full-court basketball and stay active during the game. Do not spend too much time playing at less than full effort or resting. After the game, do some full-court transition drills that include running the length of the court to transition from offense to defense. These drills will improve basketball skills and burn additional calories.

Losing Body Fat Versus Body Weight

Losing body weight at a healthy rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week requires a calorie deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories per day. Faster weight loss may result in a loss of lean muscle or water. Eat enough carbohydrates so that your body can use protein to replenish lean muscle mass. Restricting carbohydrates will force the body to break down muscle mass to use amino acids for fuel. Eating adequate calories – a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats – will encourage fat loss and not just weight loss.

Can Playing Basketball Lower Body Fat?

Yes, playing basketball can lower body fat. If you make no other changes except to add one vigorous hour of basketball every day, you will burn approximately 1,000 calories a day. This should result in a loss of 2 pounds per week. If you consume an adequate amount of calories and carbohydrates, then the loss should come from body fat instead of lean muscle or water.